Dear ,
I am a middle age male from Trondheim city, separated with five grown up children. I was diagnosed 5 years ago HIV+. When receiving the news from the Doctor l thought my life had ended l could not see anything good in me. I was alone I didn’t know where to start where to go what is next.
My viral load was very low so I didn’t need to be on treatment only to be monitored every three months. A year ago was put on treatment, and within 3 weeks l was zero in virus. That was great news for me.
I was referred to Kirkens Bymisjon by my Nurse at the hospital where I get my checkups, The staff there are very talented and welcoming. Once you know them you will never turn back, all your concerns will be dealt with.
There are also evening gatherings in Trondheim once a month where we meet over a good meal and share a lot of challenges we face. They also invite expert people very highly qualified who will give you more information about hiv. There is a great deal to learn and you will never be the same again. You meet other people who have lived with hiv for even over 30 years, and you would not believe that these people are infected because they look so healthy. They assist you to go to their counterpart office in Oslo Aksept. Great staff also there and many courses are done here. Meeting other people it is great opportunity
After a period you will find yourself attached and get involved with volunteering, because the work they do is incredible. I for one have been so pleased to come to this wonderful group. Because of confidentiality no one will ever talk about your disease to any one, which makes every person feel free and encouraged. Once you come there you will never want to turn back because of the atmosphere that is created by the staff, volunteers and participants. You feel very secure loved appreciated and above all encouraged.
So my word of advice is please come and hear nice people giving their testimony about their disease and how they have managed to live positively and life have a meaning to them now. Every person is given chance to listen and to share their own challenge.
Then you will also add good value to the group. A word of encouragement to others that you feel can help or have helped you so that others can learn from you. That is what have made this group grow and it is getting more stronger.
So feel welcome to join us and you will never be the same again.
Your sincerely
Erfaringskonsulent, Kirkens Bymisjon- Trondheim, Aksept Trondheim
I am a kind, caring, loving woman. Who has a husband and two beautiful children. I have lived with hiv for several years and have a lot of experience.
Open evening is a social occasion, that we meet once a month to socialize and be together.
Open evening has made me feel normal and understand that no matter where you come from, your religion, politics or what you are going through, we are in this journey together. It’s when we start working together and respecting one another, that’s when the real healing starts.
I want you to join because I know what you are going through it’s not easy, and maybe you feel like it’s the end. What I want you to know is that this is a start of new beginning and I don’t want you to go through it alone because you are not alone. Please come and join us and we can help each other through this journey together.
We are all special in a our differences, and we are beautiful inside as we are outside.
Best regards from
Erfaringskonsulent i Kirkens Bymisjon, Aksept Trondheim