Our goal is to provide support for individuals in need whilst counteracting and preventing discrimination and exploitation. The department is multidisciplinary and multilingual, with social workers of various backgrounds and expertise, a psychiatric nurse and a lawyer. Our services for destitute migrants is part of our services at Bymisjonssenteret (The Church City Mission Centre) and Tøyenkirken (Tøyen Church) in Oslo.
How we work
Team Tøyen is the department work located in the Church City Mission Centre at Tøyen Church, in Herslebs gate 43.
Opening hours
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 12.00–16.00.
Saturdays and Sundays: 09.00–12.00.
The employees speak several foreign languages and are available for advice and counselling, either with appointments or drop-in. They can help with advice and counselling related to rights, residence, rules in the work market, exploitation and other welfare related questions like housing, health and work.
Many of those with whom we come into contact are in vulnerable situations, lack their own home, and live on the streets. On Tuesdays we conduct outreach in downtown Oslo with a focus on building relationships and providing information about our services.
We have the capacity for 12 wash-and-drys on weekdays and 8 on weekends. The clothes are collected on the same day that they are dropped off.
There are 93 storage lockers for rent. Rental contracts are signed in the laundry on weekdays and are valid for three months.
The emergency shelter for women and couples opened in 2013. It is located in Louises gate 30 and has 80 beds. The opening hours are daily from 18.00 to 07.30.
Here, guests are provided a bed for the night and the possibility to enjoy a shower in safe, calm and warm surroundings. Guests are registered upon arrival and can reserve a bed for up to 5 nights at a time. They pay for one night at a time. Guests with reservations are welcome between 18.00 and 20.30. After that, the remaining beds are distributed. If demand exceeds availability, beds are allocated as per luck of the draw.

Mapping of homeless EU migrants
We know too little about how many EU migrants are homeless. We have therefore carried out a survey of homeless EU migrants staying in Oslo.