A health and social service provider for everyone who sells or has sold sexual services.
Free. Anonymous. Drop-in. Confidentiality.
Find us here:
Bergen – Oslo – Stavanger – Trondheim
Condoms and lubricant
You can come and get free condoms, lubricant, and other hygienic items on weekdays during the day. We have many different types.
Rapid HIV test
You receive your results immediately. If the test is positive you will receive advice and information. Contact us to make an appointment to take a test.
Talk to us about health-related questions and get in touch for free healthcare. We provide advice and information about sexual health and sexually transmitted diseases, and can give you practical assistance with regards to taking care of your health.
Support, information, individual follow-up
Talk to us about your life situation and other topic like safety, mental health and selling sexual services. We can assist you in contacting other organisations, and give information about rights and laws in Norway. We have confidentiality.
Open door drop-in
You don’t need an appointment to come see us. We are open Monday – Friday during the day. You can also contact us by phone or make an appointment to meet with us.
Courses, teaching and work
We offer language training individually and in groups, as well as help with questions related to education and school. We have different work-focused projects and can give guidance around rights and possibilities to work in Norway.
Human trafficking
Are you in a situation where you are being exploited in work, selling sexual services or forced labour? Nadheim has a lot of experience in assisting victims of human trafficking.
Legal aid
We work together with lawyers to give you guidance and assistance related to your rights and legal questions.
We arrange different activities and meals.

We are subject to confidentiality
The staff at Nadheim are experienced, and you can talk to us about selling sex, health, safety, violence, drugs, work, finances, laws and regulations, or other topics that concern you.
Here you can read our Privacy Statement in English.
Aquí puedes leer nuestra Declaración de Privacidad en español (Spanish).